How Satan Enters In
Satan entered Judas, surnamed Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve.
Luke 22:3
One of the scariest portions of scripture is the account of Judas’
betrayal of Jesus. Judas was one of the twelve. He sat by the side of Jesus at
the Last Supper. He was entrusted with the ministry funds by Jesus. He was
present for three years of Jesus intensive and hands on ministry instruction.
And yet, Judas chose to let Satan come into his heart. Can that happen today?
Does it happen in our day?
Luke 22 provides the account of the night before Jesus went to the
cross. It is a chapter filled with dangerous distractions is the devil (cf.
also Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16; Mark 14:1, 2, 10, and 11). Indeed, we see in the
life of Judas just how destructive distractions can be. As we observe the narrative
about these devilish distractions, they should be instructive to us for the
devil has used the same tactics throughout history, and he is still using them
2 And the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might kill Him,
for they feared the people.
these chief priests and scribes were planning the death of Jesus during
arguably the holiest time of the year for them, exposes the darkness within
them. The other Gospels state the religious leaders wanted to kill Jesus after
Passover. This was because if they killed Jesus during the Feast that the
people might riot (the people loved Jesus), and rioting risked the heavy fist
of the Romans who dealt swiftly and decisively with any threat to their order
and control.
Romans were well aware that Passover and its message had a political message.
Passover commemorated the liberation of God’s people from oppression. The
Romans were viewed as oppressors by the Jews. Therefore it was a time of great
tension in Jerusalem and throughout the land during this time.
3 Then Satan entered Judas, surnamed
Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve.
the devil, is the one behind the distractions that seek to divert us off the
straight and narrow plans of God for us. Satan “entered” (Greek eiselthen – Aorist/Active/Indicative of
the verb eiserchomai meaning or came into, entered, go into) Judas. The
form of the word “entered” here conveys the idea of a decisive definite event.
That Satan “entered” Judas is evidence that he was not a true follower of
Satan himself entered Judas.
It’s interesting that it is only in Luke that it states, “Satan entered Judas.”
This is the only place where Satan himself enters a person. All other
possessions by an evil entity involve demons. This was a critical time in
salvation history. Satan would not delegate this task to anyone else. So
important was this time that Satan himself “entered Judas.”
Judas faltered in his wilderness testing. The devil came to Jesus in the wilderness and
tempted Him with various things. Satan tempted Jesus with physical need (Luke
4:3-4), with fame and glory and a plan that avoided sacrifice, pain and
suffering (Luke 4:5-8), and with a call to put God to the test by misusing
scripture (Luke 4:9-12). And it further states that the devil didn’t give up
tempting Jesus but continued to tempt Him at “an opportune time” (Luke 4:13).
Jesus wilderness encounter with Satan himself is any indication of the tactics
he uses, then we gain insight into the way this Serpent of old weaved his way
into Judas. Perhaps this temptation was ongoing and Luke 22:3 is the
culmination of a series of tempting tactics. Perhaps Satan tempted Judas with
offering ot meet some physical need, or to take a shortcut that would be less
personally costly than the plan of Jesus and His Heavenly Father. Perhaps Satan
used and twisted scripture to convince Judas to let him into his heart. We aren’t given any information on what
happened other than the words, “Then Satan entered Judas.” What we do know is
that Judas failed his wilderness testing.
also likely that Satan tested the other disciples during this time as well. We
will see Jesus warn Peter about the Satan’s targeting him. Jesus even speaks
prophetically about Peter’s fall. The difference is the way Judas and Peter
deal with their fall. That is important for us to consider.
Satan actively entered Judas, but Judas had to open the door for him to
come in. While Satan is the
initiator of entering Judas, he could not have done so unless Judas had opened
the door of his heart for him to do so. Judas was culpable here. There is
little indication that Judas resisted Satan’s entering him. We see no mention
of the Spirit having filled Judas or empowered him. There is no mention of the
Spirit working in or through Judas at any time in this passage. Sometimes the
absence of something is just as telling as if something is mentioned. Here the
Holy Spirit is conspicuous by His absence in being mentioned in relation to
does not call on the Holy Spirit. There’s no indication Judas calls out to God.
It simply says, Then Satan entered Judas.” Judas apparently relied on himself.
Whenever we rely on ourselves and not God, it never turns out well for us. And
that is what we will see here. And what we see therefore, the betrayal of Jesus
and destruction of his own life, is all on Judas. Judas chose to not call on
God. Judas chose to not call on Jesus. Judas, by his actions, invited Satan
into himself.
Don’t be a Judas. Are
you being tempted by the devil to betray Jesus in some way? Are you relying on
yourself to resist his temptations? Are you practicing sinful activities that
give the devil a foothold (cf. Ephesians 4:27 in context)? Have you been filled with the Spirit,
empowered by Him, or are you trying to tuff it out on your own? Learn from the
disaster of Judas. Don’t follow in his steps. For if you do, if you try to live
without the Spirit, your destiny will be doom.
We need the Spirit to deal with the devil. If we further look at Jesus’ wilderness testing by
the devil, we see that the context is that Jesus has just been baptized and the
Holy Spirit has just descended upon Him anointing Him for life and ministry.
And then it was the Holy Spirit who led Jesus into the wilderness to be tested.
“Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and
was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Luke 4:1). Like Jesus we need to be
filled with the Holy Spirit if we are to resist the lying temptations of the
Resisting the temptations of the devil makes us stronger. Notice too that at the end of Jesus victorious
resistance of the temptations of the devil it states, “then Jesus returned in
the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14). A faith untested cannot be trusted. In
this sense, Satan the tester actually serves a purpose of God. Satan’s tests,
when resisted in the Spirit, serve to strengthen our faith. A faith tested true
can be trusted. And the result of resisting Satan’s temptations is “the power
of the Holy Spirit” in our life.
4 So he went his way and conferred
with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray Him to them. 5 And
they were glad, and agreed to give him
money. 6 So he promised and sought opportunity to betray Him to
them in the absence of the multitude.
The Bedikat Chametz. Leaven
was not only a symbol of haste, but it was also a symbol of sin. And so, at the
beginning of the Feast Passover/Unleavened Bread there was a ceremony, a ritual
where the children were sent to search out the home to assure there was no
leaven. This was called the Bedikat Chametz. Here, Judas is the leaven. He has
not truly accepted or believed in Jesus. Instead, Jesus to him was only a means
to an end. And this is why Judas opened himself up to be entered by Satan. To
Judas, opening himself up to Satan was simply a way to further his own agenda,
political or otherwise.
Don’t go through that door. Judas
acted in concert with the devil within him. The devil will provide those who
will help you divert from God’s redemptive plans. And there is an important
lesson here to learn. Just because a door
is opened before you, doesn’t necessarily mean it was opened by God. Judas was
able to find someone to confer with about betraying Jesus. These religious
people were even glad that he would betray Jesus. They even paid him to do it!
All of these things were likely viewed as an open door by Judas. Maybe, since Judas was working with religious
leaders, he thought in some convoluted way that what he was doing was actually God’s
will! Regardless of what Judas thought, it says “he promised and sought
opportunity to betray Him to them in the absence of the multitude.” Judas
entered into a contract with the enemies of Jesus. In effect, Judas made a deal
with the devil. His destiny was sealed.
The devil opens some doors. Not
every “door” opened is necessarily from the Lord. Sometimes we think that
opportunity is God’s destiny for us. Not so! Jonah was told by God to go to
Nineveh and call them to repentance. Jonah hated the Ninevites. So he went down
to the harbor, bought a ticket and boarded a boat and sailed away in the
opposite direction to where God had called him. Jonah had opportunity. Jonah
had an open door before him. But Jonah, in boarding that boat, in taking
advantage of that opportunity, by walking through that door, was going in the exact opposite direction of
God’s will for his life. Open doors of opportunity are not necessarily
God’s destiny for us. Sometimes the devil
puts an open door before us. The way we discern the difference and what
door to take, is to scrutinize our circumstances with scripture and seek the
Lord’s direction.
Discerning if a door is from the Lord, or the devil. How can we discern which door of opportunity is
from the Lord or from the devil? I suggest we ask the following questions.
First, does the door lead me to sin?
Judas betrayed Jesus in order to walk through the door of monetary opportunity.
The word “betray” (Luke 22:4 and 6; Greek paradounai
– Aorist/ Active/Indicative of the verb paradidomi)
means to hand over, deliver up, to hand
someone over to, hand over to death, give over, betray. Betrayal is a sin (e.g.
Psalm 41:9; Psalm 55; Isaiah 1; Jeremiah 3; Romans 1:29; Luke 21:16; Matthew 24:10;
John 13:21). Betrayal involves breaking a trust. Judas had evidently agreed to
follow Jesus. Now he was betraying the covenant he had entered into. His calling
by Jesus and his agreement to follow should have been enough to keep him loyal
and committed to Jesus. But we know it wasn’t. Whenever we are tempted with an
opportunity, and “open door” to betray someone or a commitment we’ve made, we
can be sure the devil, not God, is the one who has set it before us.
Second, does the door feed my impatience? We know that Satan entered Judas, but what precipitated
Judas’ decision to betray Jesus? Many have speculated on why Judas betrayed
Jesus. We can’t know for sure what he was thinking or how the devil was twisting
and tempting him. Perhaps judas was impatient. Perhaps like the other
disciples, he was eager for the kingdom to come and for Jesus to become king so
that Judas could reign with him (Luke 22:24-30). But Jesus spoke of positions
in his kingdom for “those who have continued with Me in My trials” (Luke 22:28).
To continue with Jesus in His trails,
was something Judas was unwilling to do. And so, the devil opened a door to
discard Jesus and the necessary path through the cross, and Judas took that
shortcut. When an open door feeds an impatient desire, we can be sure the devil
is likely involved.
Third, does the door feed my greed? Judas
betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12-13; Matthew 26:15).
The betrayers agreed to pay Judas for his betrayal (Luke 22:5). Just because
you profit from an open door doesn’t mean it is from the Lord. If ever there
was proof of that, this is it!. Judas sold out Jesus for profit. There’s
nothing wrong with walking through a door of opportunity because it will lead
to higher pay, but if money is the only reason you’re going through that door,
then watch out, it just may be the devil who’s opening the door. There’s
nothing wrong with money, but the love of it is the root of all kinds of evil
(cf. 1 Timothy 6:6-10). Does the door of opportunity feed my greed? If so, it’s
likely a door from the devil.
Fourth, does the door lead me to work with the enemies of Jesus? Some people would say, “The end justifies the
means.” They would say that it’s okay to work with the enemies of God in order
to achieve your goals. But to God, the means are just as important as the ends;
the way you do something for Him is just as important as the end product. It is
the way we do something for the Lord that He sculps us and matures us and
prepares us. It is along the way to our destination that God prepares us for
what lays ahead at our destination. The devil wants to corrupt us. The devil
wants us to follow his nature of lying, deceiving and murderously destroying. The
devil will put a shortcut before us to achieve the good destiny of God. But God
would rather have us stay on the straight and narrow (Matthew 7:13-14; Luke
13:24) and resist the devil’s shortcuts (Matthew 4:1-10; Luke 4;1-13). The
chief priests and captains were the ones planning Jesus’ murder (Luke 22:2 and
4). When an open door leads you to deal with those who want the destruction of
Jesus or His mission plans, it’s an open door of the devil.
Fifth, does the door lead me to act in the darkness of deception and secrecy
or in the light of honesty? A
surefire giveaway for a door opened by the devil is whether or not you have to
go through in the dark or in the light, secrecy or in openness, deceptively or
honestly. Judas waited to act “in the absence of the multitude” (Luke 22:6). There
was shame involved. What Judas was doing had to be done in secret for it would
have been obvious to the followers of Jesus that what he was doing was terribly
wrong. And there is no doubt that what Judas did was sinfully wrong. If you
have to go through a door on the sly, if you can’t talk openly about it, or be
honest, then you can be sure it is a door the devil has opened.
Sixth, does the door lead me to satisfy myself at the expense of
others? Probably the clearest sign that an open door
is form the devil, is if it satisfies you at the expense of someone else. Jesus
calls us to deny ourselves (Luke 9:23-26). When we are the only ones to profit,
and that profit is at the expense of others, it’s a door from the devil. Our
flesh is so deceptive here. It will twist in rationalizing circles. But the
bottom line is, “Does the door profit me at the expense of others?” Judas
profited thirty pieces of silver, but he sent Jesus to the cross as a cost.
That door was from the devil.
Seventh, does the door jive with God’s given means of discerning His
will? A door from the devil
usually crops up in haste or impulse. It may too present itself after we’ve been
stewing over some felt unfairness or felt deprivation. The devil will misapply
scripture (as he did with Jesus in the wilderness temptations – Luke 4; Matthew
4). But the devil will not drive you to your knees in prayer (1 John 5:14-17;
Philippians 4:6-7). Martin Luther was right when he said, “Satan Trembles when
he sees the weakest saint upon their knees.” That’s because when we declare our
dependence on God in prayer and seek His direction in His word and are led by
the Holy Spirit into God’s holy ways, we won’t walk through the devils’ doors.
prerequisite to discovering the will of God (which is what we all should be
seeking to live by) is to present ourselves as a living sacrifice to Him, fully
surrendered to Him and His will (Romans 12:1-2). If we don’t do this first, we
will be inclined to go our own way and twist directions from God for our own
devices. First we must surrender to God. This is done in prayer. Then we go to
God’s word for direction (Psalm 119:105; 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17). Then we
might seek godly counsel (Proverbs 11:14; 12:15; 15:22; 19:20-21; 24:6). Then,
when we have a sense of what God’s calling is, we return to God’s word for
confirmation. In all of this we should be listening closely to the voice of the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will always lead us along a holy path (John 16:13).
we pray and seek scriptural guidance, as well as godly counsel and the Spirit’s
leading, the devil’s doors will be exposed and shut. When we present ourselves
to God as living sacrifices with no preconceived agendas or preferences, when
we simply surrender to His will in faith, we will find the doors God opens for
us and avoid the ones He shuts (e.g. Revelation 3:8).
Don’t ignore the Lord. Mercifully,
God has a way of getting our attention. Jonah took one of the devil’s open
doors. He stepped through a door that led him in the exact opposite direction
of the Lord’s will for him. But Jonah was swallowed by a big fish. For three
days and three nights he was in the smelly darkness of the belly of that fish.
The darkness and discomfort got the prophet’s attention so that he was willing
to listen to the Lord. Jonah was put back on track in God’s plan for him. God
has a way of getting our attention. And God will do that with Judas too.
the time comes Judas will have his own fish-belly experience. When he comes to
betray Jesus, I’m sure the question of Jesus struck to whatever was left of his
heart. “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” (Luke 22:48).
Right there, at that moment, even though Jesus’ betrayal was pretty much
complete, Judas could have repented. But he did not. And later, when he commits
suicide, he will seal his own fate. Whenever we ignore the Lord, we end in