Friday, May 2, 2014

Preaching Points from the Life of George Whitefield (Taken from J.C. Ryle’s George Whitefield: A Biography – Kindle edition; the chapter entitled The Character of His Preaching)

George Whitefield was one of the mightiest preachers God has ever anointed. He was greatly used for the glory of God. He impacted thousands upon thousands for the Lord and is associated with having introduced the spirit that swept over America that led to the creation of the United States. I encourage you to read J.C. Ryle's book. Below are some preaching points noted by Ryle from the life of George Whitefield. May the Lord raise up more Whitefield's in our day!  

  1. Preach a pure gospel – “He was perpetually telling you about your sins, your heart, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the absolute need of repentance, faith, and holiness – in a way that the Bible presents these mighty subjects.”
  2. Preach singularly clear and simple – “His style of speaking was easy, plain, and conversational. . . He always saw his mark, and went directly at it.” 
  3. Preach singularly bold and directly – “A constant vein of application ran through all his sermons.”
  4. Preach with a singular power of description – “The Arabians have a proverb which says, ‘He is the best orator who can turn men’s ears into eyes!’”
  5. Preach with earnestness – “He succeeded in showing people that he at least believed all he was saying – and that his heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, were bent on making them believe it too.”
  6. Preach with feeling – “It was no uncommon thing with him to weep profusely in the pulpit. . . . He felt intensely for the souls before him, and his feelings found an outlet in tears. Of all the ingredients of his success in preaching, none, I suspect, were so powerful as this. . ..It smoothed down the prejudices which many had conceived against him. They could not hate the man who wept so much for their souls! . . . Once you become satisfied that a man loves you – you will listen gladly to anything he has to say.”
  7. Preach in the Spirit – There can be little doubt that Whitefield was anointed by the Spirit and trusted in that anointing to help him preach.

“It is recorded by one of his biographers that an American gentlemen once went to hear him, for the first time, in consequence of the report he heard of his preaching powers. The day was rainy, the congregation comparatively thin, and the beginning of the sermon rather heavy. Our American friend began to say to himself, ‘This man is no great wonder after all.’ He looked round, and saw the congregation as little interested as himself. One old man, in front of the pulpit, had fallen asleep. But all at once Whitefield stopped short. His countenance changed. And then he suddenly broke forth in an altered tone: ‘If I had come to speak to you in my own name, you might well rest your elbows on your knees, and your heads on your hands, and sleep; and once in a while look up, and say, ‘What is this babbler talking of?’ But I have not come to you in my own name. No! I have come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty!’ (Here he brought down his hand and foot with a force that made the building ring) ‘and I must and will be heard!’ The congregation startled. The old man woke up at once. ‘Ay, ay!’ cried Whitefield, fixing his eyes on hi, ‘I have waked you up, have I? I meant to do it. I am not come here to preach to stocks and stones! I have come to you in the name of the Lord God Almighty, and I must , and will, have an audience!’ The hearers were stripped of their apathy at once. Every word of the sermon after this was heard with deep attention, and the American gentleman never forgot it.” [1]

[1] J.C. Ryle, George Whitefield, Kindle edition – Chapter : The Character of His Preaching